Solo Leveling Arise: Defeat the Ant King and Conquer the Master of Abyss Job Promotion

Learn how to defeat the Ant King and conquer the Master of Abyss Job Promotion in Solo Leveling Arise with our detailed guide.

The new update of the game Solo Leveling arise has added two major additions to the gameplay experience of the players. They are a new job Promotion and a new story boss and Shadow unlock.

The new Job promotion Master of Abyss is available with three new unlocks they are new ultimate skill King’s Domain, Blessing Stone Fortitude, nad new skin for Sung Jin Woo


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The new Story boss Ant King and upon defeating him you can unlock him as a shadow to help you in your battles.

For all the players who are facing difficulty in defeating the boss Ant King and Job promotion in Solo Leveling Arise, here is the best Build guide for you to defeat them.


Prerequisites for both the Battles:

Story Boss Battle Ant King:

The prerequisites for this boss battle are that the player's total power should be greater than 470,000 with your support hunters and shadows. The Ant King elemental Weakness is Fire.

Master of Abyss Job Promotion:

The player has to defeat the story boss Ant King, clear 40th floor Battlefield of Trails & total power of Sung Jin Woo 150,000. For the Job Promotion enemies Elemental Weakness is Light

Master of Abyss Job Promotion

Best Build for The Battles:

The players can have points distribution as their wish but here are the best selection of blessing stones:

  • Fatal Strike: this blessing stone helps players in decreasing the Enemy’s decrease 5% Break gauge upon critical hit.

  • Swift Strike: Coupons successful Extreme Evasion players Damage Increases by 16% for 5 secs.

  • Swiftness: Players get an extra dash for dodging enemies attack, and there is a 30% chance it resets the dash cooldown

  • Weakness Detection: enemy’s elemental weakness increases by 12% taking more damage from the same element.

  • Daily Quest Completion: once in battle when players hp falls to 1 they become immortal for 4 secs and regen about 2000hp with additional 16% of hp.

  • Tenacity: Damage taken by players decreases by 50% and your defence increases by 50% when their hp is less 30%

  • Camouflage: when players take damage more than 5% and you recover 3% hp for 1 second 

Solo Leveling Arise

Best artifacts to use are burning curse set bonus 4 and burning blessing set bonus 4 where both of these sets work symbiotically with each other where burring curse increases the players attack upon the damage taken by them and burning blessing heals players hp after certain amount of damage taken.

Weapons for the battles:

For Ant KIng:

Juicy Grilled Skewer and Vulcan’s Rage both the weapons are best fire damage dealers with blessing stone elemental weakness their damage is increased and do good damage to the boss.

For Job Promotion:

The Huntsman and Demon King’s Longsword are light and wind weapons respectively with good passive in immobilizing the enemy upon successful attack and in tandem with above blessing stones helps the players in defeating the boss very easily.

Also Read: Solo Leveling: ARISE Wins Korea Game Awards Grand Prize; Special Rewards Event for Players

With this set up the players can defeat both the bosses if they time theri evasions and dodges correctly.