BEWARE! Call of Duty Warzone: Mobile Will Ban You for Doing This

This article examines the use of FOV modifiers in the gaming community and the recent measures implemented by Warzone Mobile developers.

Since Activision has announced the launch date of Call of Duty Warzone: Mobile(which is March 21 if you are living under a rock), gamers can keep calm. But there is a thing that can land you in trouble. That is using FOV while playing. Recently game developers shared that they will impose strict security measures, especially for those who use FOV 

Players who employ FOV modifiers risk facing penalties, including potential bans from the game, as a result of the developers' dedication to ensuring fair play ahead of the global launch of Warzone Mobile.


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What is FOV and How does it benefit players?

FOV modifiers, widely adopted among gamers, particularly in the PC gaming sphere, allow players to extend their field of vision beyond the default view provided by developers. While these modifications can enhance gameplay for some, they provide an unfair advantage, disrupting the game's balance and disadvantaging those who opt not to use them. By utilizing these mods, players can gain better visibility, track their surroundings more accurately, and outmanoeuvre opponents who rely on default FOV settings, particularly in games like Warzone.

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