VALORANT Lore: Cinematics in the Lore, explained (Part 3)


DUELISTS Cinematic

Ω-Earth initiated its first known assault on α-Earth, as depicted in the DUELISTS cinematic. This pivotal event unfolded amidst the streets of Venice, with Phoenix hot on the trail of Ω-Jett, who was in possession of a prototype Spike. In their confrontation, Phoenix was bested, allowing Jett to escape and successfully plant the Spike. The resulting detonation caused a monumental disruption, propelling a section of Venice into the sky, approximately 300 feet above ground level.

During the events shown in this cinematic, α-Jett had already been recruited into the PROTOCOL, although she had not yet crossed paths with Phoenix. This was partly due to the unique organizational structure and operational protocols of the VP at the time. VALORANT primarily focused on individual missions, with information being closely guarded and shared on a need-to-know basis. As a result, many Agents were unfamiliar with each other.


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Given this context, Phoenix pursued Ω-Jett without hesitation, unaware of the distinction between her and the Jett from his own Earth. Their encounter underscored the dynamic and often isolated nature of Agents' missions within the VALORANT universe.

DUALITY Cinematic

Following the dramatic events depicted in the DUELISTS cinematic, the DUALITY cinematic unfolded, depicting the PROTOCOL's defense against a second attack from Ω-Earth, this time in the region of Bind. Led by Killjoy, Viper, and Phoenix, the team successfully repelled the assailant and utilized an improvised Defuser to neutralize the Spike.

Notably, DUALITY represented a departure from the VP's previous operational model. Whereas Agents had previously operated solo with limited information, this event marked the first instance of coordinated teamwork among Agents. Subsequently, the standard practice shifted towards deploying Agents in five-person teams rather than individually.

Towards the conclusion of the cinematic, senior figures within the PROTOCOL hinted at forthcoming revelations to Agents concerning the Mirrorverse and the true purpose of the VP, signaling a significant turning point in the organization's operations and transparency.

RETAKE Cinematic

Yoru and Phoenix teamed up to defend Icebox from an assault by Ω-Earth. In a daring operation, they engaged the Omega team, consisting of Viper, Jett, and Cypher, reclaiming a strategic site and preventing the detonation of a spike. This cinematic, occurring shortly after Yoru's recruitment, showcased the synergy between the newly formed duo as they thwarted the adversary's plans and safeguarded the area from destruction.

Fangirls and boys were amazed at Yoru's show-stopping entry, given how his Ultimate was highlighted amongst the collective display of his abilities. We guess this is where the lifelong tussle between Jett and Yoru started, which can also be seen in the WARM UP cinematic.

WARM UP Cinematic

This had better and more relaxed moments of the PROTOCOL team at the headquarters. Faced with boredom from standard exercises (and Phoenix rubbing it off on the others), Killjoy and Raze engineer 'Maxbot', a formidable training bot capable of challenging them all. Despite seven failed attempts and Jett's lost credits to Yoru, the team eventually bands together to defeat the bot (with Cypher getting hurt at the end, as usual).

Beyond the main storyline, the cinematic subtly adds to the lore with a map of Lisbon, Portugal, hinting at the setting for the upcoming Pearl map on Ω-Earth.

We promise you, things are only getting "warmed-up" here as theres a LOT more cinematics to cover, which we will showcase in the next VALORANT Lore article. Stay tuned, gamers!

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